If you own a business in Queenstown, we would really appreciate your feedback in our online survey.
Take the survey: CLICK HERE
For many businesses in the Southern Lakes/Central region finding, training and retaining staff is a key business impediment. Today the Queenstown Media Group’s JobFix, Wanaka App, The Central App have created a survey with support from the Economic Development team at Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC), Ignite Wanaka and the Queenstown Chamber of Commerce. The aim of the survey is to better understand the effects of labour shortages and workforce turnover on the local business economy and we need your help. We know your time is precious and finite, the survey will take around six minutes to complete and is open from today until 5pm on Tuesday 11th February.
As a business in the region your voice will help.
Rest assured all responses will remain confidential and secure. Thank you in advance for your valuable insights.
Take the survey: CLICK HERE