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Think Local campaign

Think Local campaign

Think Local campaign

There is a lot of commentary about buying local currently and for good reason. Covid has put the focus back on the home market. That should include your advertising. The number of truly local media brands is dropping quickly.

The figure of 90% of the advertising dollars going to Facebook and Google is one that’s used often. An investment with these two is essential to business, we use them ourselves but it is very limited. Neither Facebook nor Google has any staff locally and adds no value to Queenstown and very little to NZ. We have seen how easy it is for International brands to close iconic local brands when they get their hands on them. Bauer media from Germany showed us that with the closure of their NZ operation taking The Listener and North and South with it.  Buy local is important wherever possible.

Consider multimedia campaigns with local brands to reach your markets across the week. Local digital options reach locals effectively, in a local environment and do it cost-effectively. The community’s attention is very focused on a fast-paced local news environment like never before and for your business, consider the Queenstown App which is committed to local stories and local events that are trusted and timely. Facebook isn’t a trusted news source by the way and certainly not for local news. The Queenstown App is a local environment enhancing your brand to a local market.

  • The app reached 10,000 downloads just recently [nearly 40% of the local population with over 100,000 pages of content read across May.
  • With the ski season about to start and snow reports appearing on the app in time for the ski season, we expect to see these numbers grow.
  • Our options banners, splash screens and in news stories also ensure your digital campaign doesn’t disappear in the feed, its on the screen for as long as the reader is on that page.  

Why advertise

  • Have your operations or opening hours changed? If your business looks and feels different communication with clients and customers is key – use your advertising space to communicate what’s happening in your business and how clients and customers can reach you.
  • You are still operating. There is a lot of awareness that many businesses are not coming back. Keeping your business brand top of mind is critical in this environment.
  • And be different than pre-Covid.
  • Content marketing is an example of being different: promote your brand story, your people and your company news through engaging written stories and interviews. This is a great way to build trust and a rapport with your customers and see you as real people not just another business.
  • Use Colour and image psychology: get creative with colour options – yellow is a fun and optimistic colour while blue is associated with honesty and loyalty. Colour makes your advert ‘pop’ and bold images with a simple message will help get you noticed
  • Stuck for ideas? We’ve got a creative team who can help and best of all it's available to your business at no cost. Give us a call if you’d like tips and ideas for advertising tailored to your business.

Seasonality ideas - Here are some to consider

  • The ski season is upon us – think about how you are going to use this opportunity to reach a very active and cashed up market.
  • School Holidays – Many people will want a break with their family and Air NZ has announced even more flights to Queenstown than last year to meet the demand. Town will be pumping during the holidays – do not miss the opportunity to capture that extra income.
  • Battle of the Burger. A Queenstown tradition is back and will be one of the first ‘events’ post Covid. Are you involved and can you get involved?
  • Support local- you are local and so are we. It’s an overused saying possibly but it's also true we are all in this together and together we will get through by supporting each other. If you need to advertise but cashflow may not look great, talk to us, we have some great rates and we can set up a payment plan that works with you. That is how locals can support each other.

Get in touch today to organise your advert.


Thank you to all of you who have supported us or even just reached out to see how we are going. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and it’s awesome. Our primary role is to keep Queenstown informed with access to information they can trust and provide you, our advertising partners a quality curated environment in which to profile and promote your business. Thank you again.

Cat | | 0277772785

Kylee | | 0210442968

Sandra | | 0210308146