Tourism Holdings Limited

About thl

Tourism Holdings Limited (thl) is the largest provider of holiday vehicles for rent and sale globally. In Australia and New Zealand, we operate under the maui, Britz and Mighty rentals brands, and the RV sales brands - RV Sales Centre, RV Super Centre, and KEA Motorhomes. In the USA, we operate under Road Bear RV Rentals and Sales, and El Monte RV Rentals and Sales. In the UK, we are a joint-venture partner with Just go Motorhome Rentals & Sales. We also design and manufacture motorhomes and specialist vehicles via Action Manufacturing. And, whatsmore, we create and sell digital products, platforms and apps via our technology arm thl Digital.

Within New Zealand, we also operate the award winning Kiwi Experience tour products and Discover Waitomo Group, which includes Waitomo Glowworm Caves, Ruakuri Cave, Aranui Cave, the Legendary Black Water Rafting Co., and the Waitomo Homestead.

Over the past 18 months our team has worked hard to drive incredible results in a challenging Tourism environment. The pandemic accelerated the growth of the RV category globally, and the wider industry has dubbed 2021 the ‘Year of the RV’. The demand has been driven through RV travel being seen as a self-contained, socially-distanced method of travel, combined with the strong desire to explore the outdoors after being in lockdown for months on end. This created the conditions for thl to have a record year for vehicle sales in all countries, far in excess of previous records.

The future looks very bright and we’re excited to forge ahead into the remainder of this year with the same spirit, focus and appetite to be the very best at what we do.