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Introducing Building Dreams 2021

Introducing Building Dreams 2021

Capitalizing on the red hot Southern Lakes property markets Queenstown Media Group will be publishing two seasonal editions of Building Dreams 2021 – Autumn and Spring
 Early Bird discounts now available.

For more information and to reserve your space, contact us today:

Kylee (027 044 2968 -

Cat (027 777 2785 -


Ten reasons to be in Building Dreams 2021

  1. The Queenstown Lakes District remains one of New Zealand’s fastest growing regions*
  2. With a current annual increase in median sales prices of in with an excess of 18%, home construction remains NZ’s preferred investment option**
  3. 7,700 new homes to be built over the next 8 years*
  4. In excess of $300 million to be invested in new housing development in the next 12 months and that doesn’t include renovation budgets***
  5. Queenstown Lakes permanent population will grow 26% in the next 10 years*
  6. Building Dreams is a high quality content rich publication produced specifically for the Queenstown and Surrounding Area
  7. Building Dreams  uses local stories and content that’s applicable to this community
  8. Building Dreams uses the strength of the Lakes Weekly Bulletin to distribute across the region
  9. 2021 is the fifth year of QMG’s Building Dreams Special Publication. Each edition is written by local experts to capture the seasonal opportunities of the region
  10. Building Dreams targets customers who are in the market and those about to enter the market

* QLDC projects 7700 new homes to be built over the next 9 years - Source QLDC pop projections 2018
** Source: November 2020
*** That’s over 300 million being invested in new home builds in the next 12 months! - Based on a house build average of $411,714

Published by Queenstown Media Group, Building Dreams is a unique opportunity to showcase your business seasonally across the Queenstown and Wanaka growth markets.
Building Dreams puts your business in front of the region's building and renovating prospects in a dedicated high quality publication.



Kylee (027 044 2968 -    |    Cat (027 777 2785 -